Secrets Of Cats

"Discover How To End Cat Behavior Problems Fast"

Do you have a cat that is:
  • Ignoring the litter box and instead peeing and pooping on the floor, your bed, your bathtub, or anywhere else they shouldn't be?
  • Biting you, your children or your guests unexpectedly?
  • Scratching your couch, bed, and other furniture?
  • Digging in houseplants?
  • Fighting with other cats in your household?
  • Keeping you awake at night?
  • Just plain misbehaving?

The Reasons Why Cats Misbehave
(and why most cat training advice doesn't work)
In order to effectively train your cat, you must understand the way cats think –
and what drives their actions.
Cats and dogs do not think alike, and trying to use the same training methods on a cat that you would use on a dog will only backfire and cause more behavior problems.
Cats have completely different instincts and react differently to situations than dogs do. Yelling or physically punishing a cat will only make them fear you, rather than solve behavior problems.
However, there is one learning method cats, dogs, and even people do have in
common - and that is classical conditioning. In other words, they learn to associate certain behaviors with certain outcomes.
Cats learn that certain activies result in positive rewards, so they continue to do them over and over again. Other actions cause negative outcomes, so they avoid them.
So, what is the difference between this and simply punishing your cat? Won't yelling at your cat when they do something wrong make them associate the behavior with a negative outcome?
Not necessarily.
It might, but wouldn't it better if your cat associated their bad behavior with the negative consequence, rather than associating the negative consequence with you?
In other words, wouldn't you rather they learn that scratching the couch causes an unpleasant consequence, instead of them fearing you and only scratching the couch when you are not around?
This is one of the most important things for you to understand when it comes to teaching your cat to do what you want – and for stopping unwanted behaviors.
There are many ways to train your cat and end bad cat behavior without ever having to touch them.
Introducing my eBook "Cat Behavior Secrets Revealed"
Whether your cat is acting out because of stress, a medical condition, or simply doesn’t know what you expect…the result is enough to drive you up the wall. But now you can finally end this frustrating behavior.
Straight to the point, no-fluff real world solutions to cat behavior problems, that truly work. Solve anything from litter box problems, biting, spraying, scratching, keeping you up at night, chewing on cords, jumping on the table, and more. If it's not in the book, and I don't know the answer myself, simply email me and I'll find the solution for you.
Save money by ending cat behavior problems for good. No more carpet cleaning bills, having to buy new (or repair) furniture, buying boxes of bandaides and neosporin for all those bite marks, or replacing chewed up cords.
Save time by having all the answers you need in one easy location. No more searching the web for hours, trying dozens of different solutions without knowing if they'll really work. If any other questions or a different behavior problem comes up in the future, you can always conveniently refer back to the ebook for answers.

"My new kitten seems the happiest and is surely the most behaved of them all"
"Cat Secrets Revealed was unbelievable! There is so many tips and advice I've learned I can't mention them all.
I've had a few cats before but now that I have this info my new kitten seems the happiest and is surely the most behaved of them all.
And in return I am happier with her.
Elizabeth Campos
Sugarhouse, UT
"I'm happy to report that she purred for the first time"
Hi Liz,
Thank you for your response. I read the sections from the book that you suggested and they were helpful. I'm happy to report that she purred for the first time on Saturday. The past three days, she has been rubbing up against me and she is letting me pet her :).
I still have to introduce her to friends and family as they come over to visit but I will be patient.
Thank you again for your helpful advice!!
Best regards,

Bastian & Breeny
(Lilac Burmese)
"Truly excellent information that everyone with a cat must read"
"Hi Liz,
Thanks for all the wonderful information in Cat Secrets Revealed. This will save people a ton of time and make many pets very happy!
You know, I've always liked the saying that "dogs have masters but cats have staff." Cats just know they're in charge. Maybe your details about understanding cat behavior will really let the cat out of the bag (so to speak) and people-pussy relationships can be put on a much more even footing.
Seriously though, this is a great set of really useful insights and tips. It will certainly empower a lot of people.

I think your health and diet details alone are worth twice the investment for this book. You've provided some truly excellent information that everyone with a cat must read. Well Done!"
Dr. Peter Tylee
Albury, Australia
"Clear, concise and informative....just what the doctor ordered!"
"At last! A logical look at how cat owners can overcome cat behavioural problems and a whole lot more to boot!
As a Veterinarian I cannot emphasize enough how frustrating it can be to see what weird and wonderful “cures” many people come up with when faced with anything out of the ordinary.
But that is about to change – from now on they will simply be directed to read your “Cats Secrets Revealed”. Clear, concise and informative – and above all a logical approach. In fact, just what the doctor ordered!"
Dr. Keith Perrett BVSc, MBA
"Every cat lover can benefit"
"I have spent this evening reading all three Cat Secrets books. Lots of concise, plain straight forward information on the care, nurturing and living with your cat buddies.
The bonus' were the best. Good work, every cat lover can benefit from the knowledgeable information whether or not they are getting their first kitten or have had several cats over the years.
The information and the way it's presented is quite helpful. Here's hoping all cat parents are able to receive copies of your books.
Chicago, Illinois

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