Delicious Dog Diet

Discover The Secret Diet That Massive Dog Food Corporations Are Keeping From You

THE Diet That Can Help Your Dog Live An Extra 5+ Years

The RAW Dog Food Diet Will Make Your Dog Healthier, Happier And They'll Love You All The More For It!

No More Switching Dog Foods Trying To Find A "Healthy" Brand That They like... They Will LOVE this.

No More Wondering If Your Dog Is Eating The Healthiest, Tastiest Of The Processed Crappy Dog Foods...

This Is It.

Meet Your Dog's Nutritional Needs The Natural Way

Make the Switch To RAW Dog Food easy on you and your dog.

Perfect for:


Adult Dogs

Pregnant Dogs

Ill & Weak Dogs

Small Toy Dogs

Big Dogs

Overweight Dogs

Underweight Dogs

From: Maggie Rhines
Re: How You Can Get Your Dog to Live Longer and Healthier Lives when You Put Them On A Raw Food Diet.
Dear Fellow Dog Owner,
If you’ve ever wondered about how to get your dog started on a raw food diet but think that:
  • It’s too expensive.
  • It’s too time consuming.
  • My dog could get parasites and food poisoning from eating raw food.
  • Fortified commercial dog food is a complete source of food for my dog anyway.
Then this letter will change your life!

Did You Know That Commercial Dog Food Is The WORST Possible Diet You Can Give Your Dog?

If your dog is still on a commercial food diet, you need to switch your dog immediately. The dangers associated with a commercial dog food diet is overwhelming – from immediate effects like a dull coat and foul smelling dog’s breath, to longer term effects like increasing the risk for canine cancers and a shorter life span.
And that’s the sad truth that the commercial pet food companies don’t want you to know. The amount of processing and additives that go into the preparation of the commercial dog food contain chemicals that are not optimal for your dog and may even make them sickly and die early.
Just consider how commercial pet food:
  • are almost always fortified with vitamins and minerals
  • causes dogs to be prone to ticks and dull coat
  • causes dogs to have bad-smelling doggie breath
  • makes use of grains as one of the ingredients, even if grains are not safe for dog consumption
  • are full of artificial flavorings and colorings to make the food more attractive to dogs, but are not that good for their health
  • makes use of meat by-products or meats that have failed to meet the standards for human consumption (i.e. lower quality meats)
  • is NOT the best food for your dog, as a lot of the companies claim them to be.
In the past years, several recalls of commercial pet food have been made after they have been found to be substandard, even harmful, to the health of our dogs.

Raw Food Diet – Not Only Is It More Natural For Your Dog, It’s Also The Best Diet Designed To Keep Your Dog
Healthy And Free From Illness

Why Is The Raw Food Diet the best for your dog?

This is the diet that their bodies are best suited for.

Long before commercial pet food, dogs were thriving on a diet that is free from cooking and other artificial processes.  Eating a diet that they are optimally built for will mean that they digest it better and get more energy and nutrients from those types of food.

A raw food diet provides dogs will their nutritional requirements in the right proportions, without the need for supplements and vitamins.

Unprocessed raw meat, fruits and vegetables contain the right amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other nutrients that dogs need to thrive. These components are not only present in the right proportions, but are also in the form that are easily digestible by their bodies.

Dogs on a raw food diet are healthier compared to dogs fed other diets – especially those on a commercial dog food diet.

Dogs on a raw food diet have very shiny coat without needing special coat care products. They also smells better! No doggie breath. No doggie body odor. Dogs on a raw food diet have a good weight and body figure – neither too fat nor too thin. They are also more active and energetic.

The cooking that dog food undergoes is potentially cancerous for dogs.

Cooking changes the properties of food. Not only are precious vitamins and minerals lost in cooking, but the cooking of food can cause carcinogens in your dog’s body. That’s why giving your dogs table scraps is not recommended for their daily meals. What's good for humans is not always well-tolerated by a dog's body.

With the raw food diet, you can make sure that good quality food is always available for your dog.

With the raw food diet, you can be sure of the quality of food that your dog gets, because you prepare them yourself. You can be certain that the meats and other protein sources you give your dog are not just the by-products (which is what commercial dog food uses) but are the parts that your dog will benefit from the most.

You can lessen the possibility of food contamination, parasites and bacteria when your dog is on a raw food diet.

All types of food are prone to contamination. But with a raw food diet, you will be able to control the source of the food and how you will store it, allowing you to lessen the chances of your dog getting sick from the food it gets.

Putting Your Dog on a Raw Food Diet Can Save You $$$
- And Your Dog’s Life!

When your dog is getting the best possible food for him to receive all of the nutrients he needs, your dog will be healthier and will be more resistant to diseases and infections. This means you actually save on vet visits, supplements and medicines. They’ll also live longer and be healthy even in old age.

The time you spend preparing your dog’s food can be managed so you don’t have to do it every day.

Preparing your dog’s food can be very time consuming, but with the correct system in place, you’ll learn how to buy and prepare raw food in batches, so you don’t need to do it everyday. This system not only saves you time, but will also guarantee that you keep the risk of food contamination as low as possible.
You’ll learn how to put this system into action and so much more when you….

Get This Step-By-Step Guide
On How You Can Start
Your Puppy or Your Dog On A Raw Food Diet.

This book is probably the most important investment you can make for your dog’s health and longevity. Just imagine the benefits of having a healthy dog on a raw food diet:
  • fewer sick days
  • faster recovery from illnesses
  • more energy for activities they enjoy
  • an overall healthier, happier pet with a playful disposition
  • savings and less stress from fewer visits to the vet
  • less risk of being exposed to canine allergens
  • less risk of being exposed to contaminated and tainted food
  • no need to buy expensive supplements
  • more time to enjoy your pet
  • naturally clean smelling dog (no dog’s breath, no distinctive doggie odor)
  • savings on chemical products designed to keep their coats healthy and free from parasites
  • your dog gets good quality food – and not just by products.
And if you’ve ever wondered how to switch your dog – whether they’re puppies, adult dogs, pregnant dogs, aged dogs, sick dogs, underweight dogs or obese dogs, wonder no more!


From this book, you will learn:
  • The pros and cons of various dog feeding models and why the raw food diet is the best diet for your canine buddy.
  • Step by step instructions on how to ease your puppy or adult dog to a raw food diet – regardless of their current health, age or stage in life.
  • Find out what the 26 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients your dogs require to achieve optimum health.
  • Identify the food that meets the essential nutrient requirements that your dog needs.
  • Identify food that your dog should avoid – allergenic foods and potentially fatal foods.
  • Learn why your dog needs fruits and vegetables, too.
  • Signs to watch out for to know if your dog is suffering from a nutrient deficiency or a nutrient toxicity (if they had too much of a vitamin or a mineral)
  • Find out exactly how the raw dog food diet fares when it comes to meeting your dog’s daily nutritional requirement.
  • Calculate exactly how much of each type of food your dog needs – whether he’s a big dog or a toy dog.
  • Find out how much your dog should be eating if they are overweight, underweight, obese or pregnant.
  • Learn the top 2 methods for transitioning healthy adult dogs to a Raw Dog Food Diet.
  • Get tips on how to wean puppies to a Raw Dog Food Diet. Recipes on what a typical meal for puppies included to help you get started!
  • How to tell when your puppies are ready to start on solid food!
  • Access our Puppy Feeding Schedule – so you’ll know exactly what food to prepare for your puppy during the weaning stage.
  • How to introduce solids to puppies so you’ll be able to identify any potential food allergies in your puppies.
  • Find out what the NUMBER 1 most important key to success in puppy Raw Food meals and discover how you can meet this requirement.
  • Decide whether to detoxify your dog before or after starting them on a raw food diet.
  • If you’re dog is a picky eater or is having a hard time getting used to a raw food diet, I’ve devoted a chapter on enticing picky eaters. You’ll definitely find something that will work for your pet!
  • Advice and tips on how to make the diet switch easy for your dog.
  • The tools you need to get started on a raw food diet and how to use equipment that you already own.
  • How and Where to shop for meats, fruits and vegetables for your dog.
  • Tips on buying different kinds of meat like beef, pork, poultry and game so you always get the best and freshest kind for your dog and avoid parasites and bacterial contamination.
  • Tips on buying fresh produce to get the best deals – so you save money and avoid tainted food at the same time.
  • Tips on how to handle, store and prepare your dog’s food to prevent contamination
  • Special raw food diets for pregnant dogs.
  • Special raw food diets for ill dogs afflicted with canine cancer and arthritis
  • Special raw food diets for puppies
  • Special raw food diets for old dogs
  • Why your dog will not need vitamins and supplements if they are on a raw food diet
  • And If you still wish to supplement (special dog requirements due to pregnancy, old age, or illness), get a guide to supplementing your dog using herbs and natural supplements
  • The role of treats when your dog is a raw food diet.
  • A diet plan that you can follow for your dog – no need to create a new one.
  • How to do your food shopping, so you don’t take up too much time and effort.
  • Learn my secret system on how to prepare your dog’s food before hand – hygienically – so you don’t have to prepare food everyday. Saves you time and energy – so you’ll have more time to spend with your dog.
  • Recommendations on what you can give your dog to keep them interested in a varied diet.

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