Thanks to Secrets to Dog Training's powerful insider information, over 220,792 dog owners worldwide have been successful with their dog training, and solved their dog’s behavior problems.

Who else wants their dog to be well behaved 
around people and other dogs? 
AND have them obey all of your house rules... 
... even when you're not around!


If your answer is "Me!" then read on because you're about to discover how to put an end to your dog's behavior problems once and for all using proven techniques that give you immediate results...

From: Daniel Stevens
March 1st, 2013

Dan Stevens
Dear Dog Owner,
Your dog is always learning. The problem is - how do you get your dog to learn good habits and NOT bad habits? Dogs understand things very differently to us humans, so frequently when you are training your dog (or even when you think you are NOT) you are actually making behavior problems worse!

If you have a disobedient dog that causes you stress or embarrassment then you've come to the absolute best place for finding out how to communicate with and train your dog. With my techniques your dog will become that well-behaved dog that makes other people envious.

On this web page you'll discover how 'Secrets to Dog Training' will help you to resolve all your dog's behavior problems quickly and for good. These problems include aggression, biting, digging, barking, chewing, jumping, house 
training, whining, bolting out the front door, separation anxiety, pulling on the leash, and a lot more.

These techniques have been proven to work for 220,792 dog owners worldwide (and counting!) and on this page you can read some of the hundreds of success stories that I have received and continue to receive every day. I hope you become a member of 'Secrets to Dog Training' so that I can hear your success story soon!

What is inside 'Secrets to Dog Training'?

...You'll find Secrets to Dog Training to be the easiest system to follow on the market today for learning how to train your dog and change its behavior. Jam-packed with information,the full package includes:

  • A comprehensive book that teaches you how to solve over 25 dog behavior problems with numerous photos and step by step instructions (at over 260 pages, this is your essential reference).
  • A 30-minute video program that puts you right in the picture with real-life examples of how YOU can become the top dog and stay the top dog! Plus... sure-fire house training methods and how to stop your dog pulling on the leash.
  • Unlimited dog behavior consultations with the Secrets to Dog Training team in the Members' Area Forum
You won't believe how quickly and easily you will solve your dog's behavior problems with all this at your fingertips:

  • Real-life case studies
  • The best dog training techniques
  • Unlimited consultations with me and my team of dog trainers, vets and fellow dog owners to ensure that you get your specific questions about your dog's problems answered.
  • Loads of photos that will boost your learning AND step-by-step instructions... all within one comprehensive and easy to follow package.

...Secrets to Dog Training will teach you how to train your dog like a professional trainer, so you can solve any specific problems that you may have with your dog, and have your dog obey you no matter what the situation - this is truly cutting-edge material!

To see what "Secrets to Dog Training: STOP Your Dog's Behavior Problems!" can do for you, follow these 3 easy steps...

  • Join over 220,792 other dog owners and sign up to my 100% FREE Secrets to Dog Training6 Day Course in the box above (my course is the best on the net... period!)
  • Read the success stories below from just a few of the more than 220,792 dog owners who have ordered and used my amazing Secrets to Dog Training techniques
  • Get your very own copy of the Secrets to Dog Training e-book and Secrets to Dog Training30-minute video program

Will you be next to change YOUR dog's behavior?

From: Doug Cummins
To: Secrets to Dog Training
Subject: It worked and she is much better


Dog Cummins

"Hi, I bought the online book Secrets to Dog Training, because I have a big Guardian dog, and she was very aggressive to strangers in our house. I knew she could be trained because her mother was not aggressive. I got several good tips from the book as well as a personal email on how to correct her behavior.

It worked and she is now much much better. I am very pleased and satisfied I bought the book. Thanks a bunch Daniel for doing what you do."
-- Doug Cummins (Nebraska, USA

From: Susan Caruso
To: Secrets to Dog Training
Subject: Jack has made GREAT progress!

Susan Caruso"My husband and I adopted Jack (a one year old male Pug/Chihuahua mix) three months ago from a shelter (we are his third home in a year) and to put it mildly he was 20 pounds of terror-- dominate, nipping, chewing and also had separation anxiety issues. He quickly earned the name 'Jack The Nipper'.

I read a couple of books about dogs behaving badly, but felt that I needed a step-by-step approach to correct Jack's unpleasant behavior. I researched the internet and came across Secrets to Dog Training, which I quickly downloaded, printed and read in one evening.

I immediately started with the Alpha Dog lessons and got across to Jack that I am the Alpha Mommy. I had no idea that doing something as simple as making him sit before I put his bowl of food down would make a difference in how Jack viewed me.

Jack has made great progress. He has become confident, less anxious and likes to practice commands every day. We still need to work on a few areas, but it's only been less than three months! Jack is much happier knowing that we are the pack leaders who protect, feed and love him.

I recommend Secrets to Dog Training to everyone who has a dog as a companion. I have learned so much about dog behaviors and how to respond accordingly without yelling or intimidating. Thanks Dan for writing such a great learning tool!" 
-- Susan Caruso (USA)

From: Wayne and Sumo
To: Secrets to Dog Training
Subject: Thanks to you Sumo is now super obedient!


Wayne & Sumo

"Hi Daniel, It is with great pleasure that I am writing this for Secrets to Dog Training was great! We have a crossed breed Poodle/Terrier and training him is extremely important to us since we live in high rise apartment. Secrets to Dog Training's methods are positive and very proactive.

Sumo, our pup, is doing great! At only 5 months old he sits, lies down, heels, stays, and even comes most of the time. We can not expect too much at his age but he is getting better everyday. Secrets to Dog Training continues to provide support through email which we feel is a priceless resource."
-- Wayne & Sumo (USA)

From: Carla J. Johnson
To: Secrets to Dog Training
Subject: Finally I can now control my dogs!

Carla J. Johnson

"I love Secrets to Dog Training. I rescued two German Shepherds and I did not know anything about dog obedience. One of my dogs was quite aggressive with other dogs, and crazy about chasing cats and squirrels. What I like about your book is that you give insights into what the dog is thinking, why they behave the way they do, and tips on what to do to correct the problem.

I have learned so much from your instructions, and my dogs are now following my commands and I am able to control them. Thanks for the great book."
-- Carla J. Johnson (Long Beach, California, USA)
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